For a




Supporting mental health and personal growth in K-12 students and adults through mindfulness, compassionate action, and environmental stewardship.

How we inspire change

  1. Our mental and emotional life determines the way we view and engage with the world.

  2. Our mental and emotional life is continuously evolving and can be intentionally cultivated.

  3. To create and sustain a paradigm for a kinder and wiser world we need to steady and cultivate the mind.

“People who manage to intervene in systems at the level of paradigm hit a leverage point that totally transforms systems…In a single individual, it can happen in a millisecond.  All it takes is a click in the mind, a new way of seeing.”

-Donella Meadows

How to Cultivate the Mind?

Within this context, the term cultivation refers to revealing and nurturing conditions from which positive qualities can emerge. The process of cultivation reminds us that being caring and wise is a natural process, and there is no need to struggle in finding these qualities elsewhere. We are simply becoming aligned with who we already are.

The word cultivation also implies that a gradual and continuous process is necessary for revealing the full potential of the mind.  

“In my view the most important meaning of mindfulness is recollection. In other words, mindfulness is the ability to gather oneself mentally and thereby recall one’s core values and motivation…it suggests bringing presence of mind into everyday activities.”  Dalai Lama

Let your curiosity lead you

Looking for more resources to help you on your journey of discovery? We invite you to explore our catalogs of guided meditations, journal entries, and digital courses.